Boot Windows 10 to Safe Mode and Safe Mode with networking in Windows 10 [Guide]

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Boot Windows 10 to Safe Mode and Safe Mode with networking in Windows 10 [Guide]

Boot Windows 10 to Safe mode. That's what we're gonna see in this post. But before we proceed we will first see what is safe mode in Windows 10.

Here we go. What is Safe mode in Windows 10?

Safe mode as the name says is a kind of safe way used to troubleshoot our PC.
Our PC Will load only necessary drivers when we boot into safe mode which will help in better troubleshooting.

Though,most of us know the above information some of us don't know how to enter into 
safe mode in windows 10 which made me to create an separate tutorial to show how to 
enter into safe mode in windows 10. If you are the one who don't know how to boot computer into Safe mode,then don't Worry

Just follow the below steps..

Boot Windows 10 to Safe Mode or Boot Windows 10 to Safe Mode with Networking [How to guide].

If you have difficulty in following below guide,check the above video which may be helpful.

Step 1 : Get into Advanced Start up options if You had Already logged into Windows.

(or) Lock Your Computer by pressing Windows + L key Which Will displays login screen 


Step 2 : On the Login Screen hold Shift key and Press Restart.

Step 3 : It Will boot to Advanced Start-up options.

Step 4 : On that Navigate to troubleshoot->Advanced Options.

Step 5 : Select Startup Settings..

Step 6 : Select restart.

Step 7 : .Press 4 it will enter into Safe mode or other option like 5 for safe mode with networking depending on your case.

That's it..

Comment if you have any doubts.

Thank you.

Works on Windows 10 all editions,8.1,8 and 7 (Some steps may vary)