Find build number in Windows 10 - How to [Guide]

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Find build number in Windows 10 - How to [Guide]

How to find build number in Windows 10? that's what we're going to see in this post. I decided to write a separate post on build number because they are very important. So, what exactly is build number ? Build number's are nothing but the version of windows you are using.Knowing about it is an much needed knowledge as most of the problems are based on version of builds,When a new update (with major bug was fixed) was released your build number will also change.We need to update our system to new build to get improvements and fixes if that was the statement given by an insider then you need to first know whether you are at latest build or not right?, So enough said,let's see how to find out...

How to find build number in Windows 10 [Any Version]

I had created a video to show the steps,So check the below video or else follow the below steps.

Actually, there are many ways like using msinfo command, using settings App and many more, but i guess the following will be very easy way.

1) Press Windows logo key and R key at the same time.

2) Type Winver

3) Hit enter.

Thats it you can see the build number and version of Windows 10 you are using.

Comment if you find any difficulties..

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