How to fix Cannot find Script file C:\Windows\run.vbs in Windows 10

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How to fix Cannot find Script file C:\Windows\run.vbs in Windows 10

Today,i faced with a issue While i login, an error box popped out with Message stating can not find Script file "C:\Windows\run.vbs" surrounded by a blank black screen.After 

Sometime i finally Solved the problem  by doing a registry edit.

And here is the solution that might help you when your PC displays Such an error.

Why this error happens ???

This error is usually caused by some virus that exists on our System.the .vbs files are 

stored in System32 folder,this virus deletes/moves the files,making our system to produce 

such an error.

How to fix it ??

We need to edit Userinit  script,the script which helps to perform logon.

Just follow the steps below...

Warning : Editing registry is Highly not recommended,as improper editing will result 

in your System becoming unstable,i'm not responsible,if you typed it wrongly or others 

that May cause your system to fail.

Try at your Own risk...

Step 1 : Login to Your Windows 10 PC.

Step 2 : Press Windows + R Keys.

Step 3 : Type regedit

Step 4 : Hit Enter.

Step 5 : Navigate to 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Step 6 : Find Userinit,and double Click on it...

Important Note : In Most of the systems,Windows has been installed On C drive,if Your 

Windows is installed on different drive (say f) then type the drive letter F instead of C on the 

next step.

Step 7 : Change the Data from wscript  C:\Windows\run.vbs, to


How to fix Can not find Script file C:\Windows\run.vbs in Windows 10

Note : type the above words as it is including that , after exe.also don't forget to remove 

wscript word.

Step 8 : Save it by clicking OK.

Step 9 : Close the Window.

That's it...

                                          "Hope it is Helpful"