How to download custom theme for Windows 10

Some Pages that you Should notice

How to download custom theme for Windows 10

Themes provide best look to our PC,Windows 10 Comes with  many preinstalled themes is 

well known.If you don't like the themes they provide (or) if you wish to save your favorite 

theme,then here is an tutorial which describes how to download and install the theme in 

your PC.

What is a theme ??

Themes are nothing but the collection of Pictures,sounds and others like Screensaver and 

its related areas.

Here's how to download and install..

Step 1 : Login to Your Windows 10 PC.

Step 2 : Open Control Panel.

[See : How to Open Control Panel easily!]

Step 3 : Click on Change theme under Appearance and Personalization,

Step 4 : It Will open a new Window,under Mythemes,Click on Get More themes Online.

How to download theme for Windows 10
click on the image to view full size

"Get More themes Online " Will be Available as last option on the right pane under My 


Step 5 : When You clicked,it will open Windows theme download page on your default 


How to download theme for Windows 10
click on the image to view full size

[See : How to change default browser in Windows 10]

Step 6 : Find the theme you wish to save on your pc and click on download.

Step 7 : After downloading,click on the downloaded file to open.

When you open the file,your theme will be Changed immediately.

That's it...

                                         "Hope it is helpful"