How to add Custom Message to Windows 10 login screen

How to add Custom Message to Windows 10 login screen

A Simple message can be useful in many ways,and particularly when we set a message 

like please return to this address (some address) if you found this PC and you will be 

rewarded for your act,etc... message in your login screen.this may be helpful when some 

one find our lost Windows 10 PC/tablet or laptops which contains some sensitive 

information.So,here is an tutorial Which will make Windows to display custom message in 

login screen.

How to do it ??

It requires editing a Simple registry key,

Just follow the steps below..

Step 1 : Login to your windows 10 PC.

Step 2 : Press Windows (logo) + R Key,and type regedit.

Step 3 : Hit enter.

Step 4 : Navigate to the following...


and then to System.

Step 5 : On the right pane,Click on LegalnoticeCaption.

Step 6 : On the Value date field,type the heading of the message like please read or Caution,etc..

Step 7 : Click OK.

Step 8 : Next,on the Same right pane,Click on Legalnoticetext

Step 9 : Same as above,type the Message you want to display like your Contact details or 

something you wish like please return in a day or else your identity will be sent to the owner 

and local police station,etc.

How to add Custom Message to Windows 10 login screen
Click on the image to view full size

Step 10 : Click on OK.

Step  11 : Close the Window.

Now,restart your PC you Will find the Message you created on the login screen.

That's it...

                                          "Hope it is useful"