How to fix "Yes" Option grayed out in UAC Error in Windows 10

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How to fix "Yes" Option grayed out in UAC Error in Windows 10

Our PC is Capable of producing Strange errors Sometimes,One of the error which 

frustrates us is "Yes" Option grayed out in User Account Control,This happens even we 

are Already logged as Admin.So here is an tutorial for fixing it.

How to fix it ??

We Can fix this,by booting into safe mode of our PC and enabling the Super Admin 

Account,or changing our account type,just follow the following Steps in Your Windows 10 PC.

Watch the following Video.. (Or) the Steps...

Step 1 : Get into Advanced Start up options if You had Already logged into Windows.

(or) Lock Your Computer by pressing Windows + L key Which Will displays login screen 


Step 2 : On the Login Screen hold Shift key and Press Restart.

Step 3 : It Will boot to Advanced Start-up options.

Step 4 : On that Navigate to troubleshoot->Advanced Options.

Step 5 : Select Startup Settings..

Step 6 : Select restart.

Step 7 : .Press 4 to enter into Safe mode.

Step 8:  login to your Account where UAC is greyed out,

Step 9 : Press Windows + R Key,type Control,hit enter (or) Go to Control Panel.

Step 10 : Click on User Accounts->Change Account type-> Select Administrator,Click Again 

Change Account type to save Changes.

Step 11 :Restart your PC,and login again to the Same Account,now you Will See the 

problem is fixed.

                                       "Hope it is Helpful"