How to Clean boot Windows 10

How to Clean boot Windows 10

Hello friend,Welcome to Our blog,in this tutorial lets See how to Clean boot Windows 10.

What is Clean boot ??

If Your PC is Causing Some issues due to install of Some Softwares or if it is not running 

Well,We Can identify the problem and Solve it using the Clean boot method.i.e., If We need 

to determine Whether the install of that particular Software is Causing issues,(or) is 

Windows itself is Causing issues,then performing Clean boot is the best option.

What Will happen When You Clean Boot??

Performing Clean boot doesn't leads to lose of our Work,Performing Clean boot will make 

our PC to load only Windows services (without loading the other items) during Start-up.

How to Clean boot??

Performing Clean boot is an easy Process,All you need to do is just follow the upcoming 

steps in Your Windows 10 PC.

Step 1 : Login to Your Windows 10 PC.

Step 2 : Press Windows + R Key Simultaneously.

Step 3 : It Will display run command,on that type the following

"msconfig"(Without quotes")

Step 4 : It Will open a new Window named as System Information,on that do as follows

Step 5 : Click on Selective Startup items.

Step 6 : Uncheck load Startup items.

How to Clean boot Windows 10

Step 7 : Click On "Services" tab.

Step 8 : Check "Hide Microsoft Services".

Step 9 : Select disable all.

How to Clean boot Windows 10

Step 10 : Click On Apply.

Step 11 :Click On OK.

Step 12 :Close the Window.

The next time when you boot you can see the changes.

That's it...