Turn on or Off Ctrl + alt + Del Sign in Windows 10

Turn on or Off Ctrl + alt + Del Sign in Windows 10

Secured login is One of the Thing in PC Everyone Wishes.Microsoft too 

Consider its importance And Made Option for Secure Login,Which was 

introduced in Previous edition of Windows itself.So in this tutorial lets see How 

to enable or disable Secure login in Windows 10.

Why is this Important???

While We install Many Apps,Some Apps May Change the Way We Use PC,there 

are Many Apps to Change even Our Settings Automatically. So its Our duty to 

Make Our PC More Secure as Possible. So When You Enable this Setting You 

Will Prompted to Press Ctrl + Alt + del Keys to login.Which Means You Need to 

First Press the Above Keys,and then the Password,if You Press any other Keys,it 

Won't respond and Will looks like hanged. Which May Prevent Unauthorized 

Apps to Make Changes to Your Privacy.

How to Enable or disable this ???

If You Wish to Enable or disable this Setting then Follow the Upcoming Steps As 

it is in Your Windows 10 PC.

Step 1 : Login to Your Windows 10 PC.

Step 2 : Press Windows + R Key.

Step 3 : Type netplwiz.

Step 4 : Click on Advanced tab.

Step 5 : Click Under Secure Sign in.

Step 6 : Check Require Users to Press ctrl+Alt+Del.

To disable : Uncheck it.

Step 7 : Click on Apply.

Step 8 : Click on OK.

Step 9 : Close the Window.

When You Sign in Next time You Can note the Changes...

That's it...