Shortcut for window color and appearance in windows 10

Some Pages that you Should notice

Shortcut for window color and appearance in windows 10

Windows 10 Has a lot of New Functions When Compared to its Predecessors,Though it Supports

Use of dark theme for Apps as its Predecessors it Also Supports Picking an Color from desktop

background Which We Explained in this Article.[Check this!] So if You Are the One Who Wish to

Change Background of Your Desktop Often then Follow the tutorial.

[Click to See: How to Change desktop Background]

How to Create Shortcut???

We Can Create Shortcut for Any Kind of Apps like We Created for Battery Saver,Advanced Startup 

Options,etc..So today in this tutorial lets see how to Create Shortcut for Color and Appearance in

Windows 10.All You need to do is My friend to Just Follow the Steps Below...

Step 1 : Login to your Windows 10 PC.

Step 2 : Right Click on the Empty area of desktop.

Step 3 : Select New-> Shortcut.

Step 4 : Type the following inside the box,on the Window that Opens.

rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,Advanced,@Advanced 

shortcut for window color and appearance in windows 10

Step 5 : Click on Next.

Step 6 : Type the Name,According to Your Wish,Example: Color.

Step 7 : Click on Finish.

Note : If You Wish you can Change icon for that Change Shortcut icon[Check this!]

That's it...

shortcut for window color and appearance in windows 10

Now You Can Access Color and Appearance Setting directly from your desktop.

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