Restart explorer Shortcut in Windows 10

Some Pages that you Should notice

Restart explorer Shortcut in Windows 10

Hello Friend,Hope You Are good.Windows explorer is an Important Process needed for 

Windows PC,As We Explained in Our Previous Article.So here is an Another tutorial for 

Creating Shortcut for Restart Explorer.exe in Windows 10.

How to Create Shortcut for Explorer.exe???

If You Planned to Create Shortcut for Windows Explorer then just Follow the Steps As it is 

in Your Windows 10 PC. 

Step 1 : Login to Your Windows 10.

Step 2 : Press Windows + R Key.

Step 3 : Type Notepad.

Step 4 : Hit Enter.

It Will Open the Notepad On that type the Following.

@echo off

taskbill /f /im explorer.exe

Start explorer.exe

Restart explorer Shortcut in Windows 10

Step 5 : Click on File.

Step 6 : Select Save as...

Step 7 : Type the name as Explorer.bat

Restart explorer Shortcut in Windows 10

Step 8 : Select Where your Shortcut needs to be Placed,example :Desktop.

Step 9 : Click on Save.

Step 10 : Close the Window if needed.

Now You can Access Explorer directly from desktop.

That's it...