Make Windows to update Maps Automatically in Windows 10

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Make Windows to update Maps Automatically in Windows 10

Hi My Friend, Welcome to Our Blog,We Know that Maps Have A great Advantage like 

Guiding Us to Unknown Places,Making Way to reach Spot quicker And Particularly In 

Windows 10 Maps Are Available In Offline,i.e Offline Maps Are Available,Which Helps us to 

get Outside From unknown Spot's to Reach Safer And Faster.And It Must Be Always 

Updated for Addition of New things,So In this tutorial I Will Explain How to Turn on 

Automatic Update Offline Maps In Windows 10 As Step by Steps...

Just Follow the Steps Below...

Step 1 : Logon to Windows 10 PC.

Step 2 : Open Settings.

[See: How To open Settings Easily]

Step 3 : Click On System.

Step 4 : It Will Open A New Window With Display As First Option.

Step 5 : Select Offline Maps on that Window.

"Offline Maps Option Will Be Available As An Third option From bottom Click it.

[Also See : How to Find Your System Configuration in Easy Steps]

Step 6 : Look For A Setting Named Metered Connection.

Step 7 : Slide towards the Left Side Under if you don't care  About Updating Map In Cellular 

and Your Own Bandwith.

Step 8 : Click Under Map Updates.

Step 9 : Slide it to Right Side to turn ON Auto Update Of Maps .

Step 10 : Close the Window to Save Changes.

That's All My Friend,Your Maps Will Start Updating Automatically....And if You Wish to Turn 

Off It Simply Slide Towards Left Slide On Step 9 and Save Changes...