Find Which File Consumes Your Storage Without Any Software In Windows 10

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Find Which File Consumes Your Storage Without Any Software In Windows 10

Hi Friend,Welcome to Our Blog,Hope You Liked Our Previous Articles,Here is An Another 

Article Related to Finding Out What Are the File's Consumes Your Storage Without Any 

Software,i.e., Using Built in Functions.Storage is One of the Most Important Thing Needed 

For Our PC,There Are So Many Apps And Files that May Consumes Our Storage,This 

Insufficent Storage May Result in Removal of One of Our Favorites Like Deletion of 

Favorite Films,Games,Songs,etc... but What If You Know One Unwanted file Consumes Lot 

of Your Storage, Simple You Can Delete Only that File And Can Save More Films Without 

Removing Your Favorite Content...So Why You'r Waiting?? Start Explore And Remove 

Unwanted Files That Sucks Your Storage,Here is An Guide For Accomplishing it...

Just Follow Us Instructed Here in Your PC...

Step 1 : Logon to Your Windows 10 PC.

Step 2 : Open Settings.

[See : How to Open Settings Easily]

Step 3 : Click On System.

Step 4 : It will Open A New Window With Display As First Option.

[Also See : How to turn Off Windows Notification While Presentation]

Step 5 : Click On Storage.

Storage Will Be as An Eighth Option on Left Pane, Below to Power &Sleep.

Step 6 : Choose A Drive for Which You Need to Know,For Example Let it Be "C".

Step 7 : It Will Open and display the things that Consumes Your Storage.

Step 8 : Click On the file And Find Out Which Consumes And Delete the Unnecessary 

files. It Will Give You An Additional Storage Capacity.

Note : This is Not Limited to 'C' drive,You May Use this Option for Other drives too... 

You Can Also Uninstall Certain Apps too If You Don't Need.

Uninstall And Increment Your Storage Space.

                                                "Hope It Will Be Helpful"
