Display And Hide Pinned icons On Taskbar of Tablet Mode in Windows 10

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Display And Hide Pinned icons On Taskbar of Tablet Mode in Windows 10

Hi And Welcome to Our Blog. Tablet Mode is One of the Best Thing included in 
Windows 10 And It Makes Your Windows 10 PC more Touch Friendly.One of The Things That Makes Users to Hate Tablet Mode Is Because of the Icons That You Pinned to Taskbar Will Automatically disappears when You Switch to tablet Mode. But the Fact is Its Just Hidden to Make Tablet Mode More friendly.

[See: Steps To Enable Tablet Mode]

And We Can reenable the icons if We Need. So Herewith i Provide the Tutorial for Making 

Icons Appear On TaskBar While Tablet Mode Is Turned On.

All You Need To do is Just Follow the following Steps in Your PC.

Step 1 : Login to Your Windows PC.

Step 2 : Go to Settings.

[See : How to Open Settings]

Step 3 : Click On System.

Step 4 : A Window Will Open, On That Select Tablet Mode.

"Tablet Mode Will Be Available As Fifth Option on Left Pane.

Step 5 : Click Below Hide App icons on the Taskbar in Tablet mode option.

Step 6 : Slide Towards Left Side on that Option To display Icons on Taskbar.

Step 7 : Close the Window to Save Changes.

Note : If You don't Wish to Display pinned Icons On Taskbar Follow The Steps 1,2,3,4,5

And Slide Towards Right Side On that option to Hide icons While Using Tablet Mode...

Close The Window....

Thats All You have Successfully Made Pinned icons to display on Taskbar of Windows... 

Know other Methods to Make Pinned Icons to Display on Taskbar while in Tablet Mode,

Other Than this?? Then Share With Us As it May Help Others....