Battery drains quickly in Windows 10 [Solution]

Battery drains quickly in Windows 10 [Solution]

Battery drains quickly in my Windows 10 pc is there a fix? asked one of our blog reader through contact us page. Though lot of users reported this issue after installing update it is not the case all the times because Microsoft itself clarified that there is no problem with the update server, then what is the cause? whatever it may be there are some things that we can do our PC that will boost our PC's battery life. So, here is an guide to fix battery draining issue in Windows 10 PC.

First We Must understand what is the Main Cause, The Main cause for battery consumption Is the unnecessary background Apps that keep on running on our PC,Though Some of them  had provided good experiences ,We should understand the fact that they too consumes Our Power. So we can disable it whenever we don't Need, which will automatically boost our battery life.

Just Follow the Steps Below to Make It Possible :

Step 1 : Login to Your Windows PC.

Step 2 : Press Windows + R Key Which Will Send Us to Run Command.

Step 3 : Type Services.msc

Step 4 : It will Open Number of Background Apps That Are Installed/ 

Used By Your System.

Step 5 : Click on Anything that are not needed.

"You Can Find Unwanted Services By Clicking And Reading its Description Which Will Be provided As Details On the Left Side.

Step 6 : Right Click On the Service, And Select Properties.

Step 7 : Select Disabled On the Startup Type.

Step 8 : Press Ok And Apply the Changes.

Step 9 : Close to Save Changes...

Like Wise You need to Disable the unwanted services,which w
ill significantly boost our battery life time. 

Note:The Changes Will take effect only after next restart. If you need immediate boost, try stopping the services first.

Method 2 : Open Taskmanager.

  • Press ctrl + Shift + Esc,which will start taskmanager..
  • Find Background process that are running.
  • Right click on the process and select end task, also go to start up tab, disable all of them expect some like sound drivers...
That's it..

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