Disable MSN News Feed - How to turn off MSN News feed and Suggested content in Microsoft Edge [Guide]

Disable MSN News Feed - How to turn off MSN News feed and Suggested content in Microsoft Edge [Guide]

Disable MSN News Feed - How to turn off MSN News feed and suggested content in Microsoft

Edge [Guide]

In our last post, we had seen how to open Microsoft Edge in Windows 10, but some of our users had

reported that when they opened Microsoft Edge they had seen many things loaded automatically by

Microsoft Edge in the name of MSN news feed. So they asked me, is there a way to disable msn

news feed appearing on the Microsoft Edge browser.

to be a sad news, i searched for things that could possibly disable msn news feed in Edge browser ..

OK, do you need any software ?

No, you don't need an software to disable msn news feeed in Microsoft Edge.

then, how to do it?

Just follow the below steps..

1) First, Open Microsoft Edge

2) Click on the gear icon available next to Powered by MSN.

3) When you clicked it will open Customize window..

Now, there is the part we need to change it to disable or turn off msn.

4) On the Information cards field,

turn off all the options like Sports, Weather, Money..

[To turn off simply, tap/ click on the left side of the option]

Disable MSN News Feed - How to turn off MSN News feed and Suggested content in Microsoft Edge [Guide]

5) Click on ⋯ icon and find Open news tabs with option

Click on it and select Blank page on the drop down list..

Now, restart your browser...

You will no longer find the MSN newsfeed..

That's it..

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